by Thomas Oppong In today’s information-obsessed world, our minds are in constant overdrive. Your brain is a living, inventive, and rapidly renewing organ that needs all the care and maintenance it needs to function well and deliver everyday. Brain recharge can help...
The Best Investment Decision I Have Ever Made

The Best Investment Decision I Have Ever Made

by Darius Foroux When I got my business degree in 2011, I was ready to start my career. I wanted to start a business, earn money, and also invest. Those were my main priorities for the past seven years. I did all those things. You know what I found? Every decision you...
How To Change Your Life In 30 Days

How To Change Your Life In 30 Days

*This, in my opinion, is a GAME CHANGING concept.* by Benjamin P. Hardy Your identity is not fixed, but highly fluid. Your identity follows your behaviors. How does this work? It works based on two very important psychological concepts: Self-signaling: which means...
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